Thursday, February 16, 2012

character concepts for mad scientist lab

Dr. Breasure (left) - is a 54-year-old man who is a genius and a prodigy of biological and genetic science.  He lives on a small volcanic island next to a small city.  His life’s work consists of studies and experiments all of which are getting him closer to the creation his own life form. 

Johnny P (right) - is the doctor’s house cat that also plays the role of his sidekick in the story. He is also the doc’s only companion.  The cat doesn’t speak but has a very distinct personality.  Johnny always seems to be in the right place at the right time, and saves the doc from complete failure on numerous occasions.

Experiment 88 - is the result of Dr. Breasure’s years of studying and experimentation. He was supposed to be a new companion for the doc and Johnny P, but after technical malfunctions in the final experiment 88's intended good nature and personality became quite the opposite.

The mechanic malfunctions during the experiment left 88 deformed, which became a catalyst for his anger and ultimately caused him to go berserk and start destroying everything in his path. 

(unsure about the final character design i will use. still sketching)

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